Year: 2022

Highlights of the inaugural Vega-C launch

Video: 00:02:35 ESA’s newest launch system has faced its first full validation test, carrying LARES-2, a scientific mission of the Italian space agency ASI, and a secondary payload package of French, Italian and Slovenian research CubeSats.

Vega-C liftoff

Video: 00:06:42 Flight VV21 clears the launch pad to begin the inaugural mission of ESA’s new Vega-C rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

They’re Here! Check out the First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope!

This is it! Today, people worldwide were treated to the first images acquired by James Webb! After years of delays, we are finally seeing the sharpest images of the Universe taken by the most powerful telescope ever deployed. The world was given a sneak peek yesterday when President Biden, VP Kamala Harris, NASA Administrator Bill …

They’re Here! Check out the First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope! Read More »